
Winter tends to be a particularly difficult season on our roofs. Even in balmier areas that don’t get drifts of ice and snow, the rains and winds can damage or peel off shingles and let the water pour in. In addition, the wetter months are the time when we finally discover any damage that may have occurred during the summer. Unfortunately, we often discover the damage just in time for an emergency repair.

Although most damage to our roofs occurs in the winter, most roof repairs and replacements happen in the summer. This lag can lead to a great deal of water damage, mold growth, and structural damage to our homes. At Milledgeville Roofing Company, they will help you fix your roofing problems no matter what season we are in. With the help of their professionals, you can be sure that the job will be done perfectly. But, are there reasons to think about getting roof work in the winter? 


Summer is definitely the traditional time to have your roof inspected, repaired, and replaced. It is warm, balmy, and a roof is not even really needed except to keep the air conditioning inside. Despite these clear advantages, there are several great reasons to get major roof work done in the cold weather months. Consider the following advantages.

  1. Waiting for summer may cause more damage.

Many problems with a roof do not become apparent until the winter months. Suddenly you discover a new area of mold and mildew or even an unplanned indoor waterfall. At other times, a winter storm may cause damage that leaves your roof so torn up that you might as well replace it.

You do not have to get a full roof replacement, by the way. It is not an all or nothing proposition. If you decide against a new roof this winter, call a contractor and ask about smaller projects that can help protect your home against damage until warmer weather arrives

  1. A new roof will protect your home and your investments.

Ultimately, a high-quality roof is the only way to protect the investment that is your home. Most people put a great deal of their money and time into their homes because they know it is not just a place to live, but an investment in the future. Given that homes are so expensive and take up so many of our resources, it makes sense to put extra effort into protecting it from the elements.

  1. A new roof offers better defense against ice and snow.

Although rain and wind can be destructive to homes and their roofs, snow and ice are even greater generators of damage. Because these are not as common in our area, many roofs are simply not made to withstand this type of stress. In addition, many homeowners do not understand how to inspect a roof for the damage that these elements so often bring.

The advantage of getting a new roof in winter is that you can look into materials that are specifically made to withstand wet and cold conditions and discuss these with your contractor. Although these are available in the summer, many people do not think to ask about them until the days become shorter and temperatures fall. With the temperatures falling outside, the question will be fresh on your mind.

  1. Winter often offers better pricing for routine work.

As you have likely noticed, summer is the time when most people decide to get their roof replaced. As a result, many contractors offer better rates for routine work in the cooler months.

A great deal of the price of home repairs depends on demand. Winter emergency work is very expensive not because of the weather but because workers must be paid overtime to deal with all of the calls. However, routine work actually tends to be cheaper in winter because there are fewer customers getting work done at this time of year.

  1. Contractor availability increases in cold weather.

It can be difficult to find a high-quality contractor once the weather heats up. Everyone and their neighbor is trying to get their roof fixed or replaced as spring wears on and summer approaches. Then, there is a huge rush of customers to compete within the fall as people realize that winter is truly coming.

  1. Getting a winter roof job will lower your heating bill.

Heat rises, which makes heating a home with a decrepit roof extremely challenging. Your hot air and ultimately your hard-earned money escape through the roof as quickly as you and your furnace can produce them. Many people do not realize that they are paying much more for heating than they would with a proper roof.

Because so much heat escapes through your roof, getting a roof repair or replacement in the winter can lead to sudden and noticeable changes in your heating bill. It may not pay entirely for your new roof, but it will save a hefty chunk of change added back to your monthly budget. If you are considering whether to get a roof replaced either now or in the future, it is important to consider that there are many benefits of doing it now.


  1. Winter weather can be harsh.

While harsh winter weather is a good reason to get your roof fixed in the winter, it is also a good reason not to. Heavy rains and freezing conditions can make it difficult to safely work outside, particularly on a roof. Thus, your planned job may have to be postponed if the forecast takes a turn for the wet.

The good news is that contractors are used to working in winter conditions and understand all of the considerations. Your contractor will ensure that work is completed in a manner that is safe for your home even if it means a few postponements.

  1. Some aspects of roof repair and replacement are temperature sensitive.

Although your roof is made to withstand a wide variety of weather conditions, very cold or very hot weather can complicate repairs and replacements because the materials behave differently in different temperatures.

For example, shingles can become very soft in high temperatures and very stiff and brittle when it sinks below freezing. This changes the way that your contractor and roofers will need to handle your shingles as they are being placed.

  1. Winter is busy.

Although we try to minimize the wear and tear on our customers’ lives, getting home repairs is never entirely convenient. There will be workers on your roof, work vehicles in from of your house, and a certain amount of daily inconvenience.

Winter, unfortunately, is one of the busier seasons of the year. Families have fall sports, a range of winter holiday obligations, and then they are back to their regular grind. In summer, on the other hand, people tend to be taking it a little slower and even maybe on vacation long enough to replace a roof.